*Maps Included* Important Information for ULFA Members for Day 1 of Job Action

Unless a settlement is reached before 11am on Thursday February 10th, our strike will begin at that time. Here is a reminder of what you need to know.
If you have not yet signed up for a picket shift, please complete this survey now: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/?sm=WbJbpTSbzu_2FxKLEIuylywA_3D_3D
ULFA Members that are unable to attend in-person pickets, or require accommodation, can request to perform alternate duties for strike pay. Requests for performance of alternate duties can be made by completing the ULFA JAC accommodation and exemption form.
Thursday Feb 10th and Friday Feb 11th Picket Schedule
Official picket schedules are being developed and will be provided to Members via their alternate emails this weekend. For Thursday and Friday of this week, please arrive at one of the 3 picket locations on Lethbridge Campus or downtown at the Penny Building (see maps at the end of this message for locations). For those at the Calgary Campus, go to the corner of 345 6th ave SE Bow Valley College South Campus. On Thursday, the pickets will run from 11am – 5pm and on Friday, they will run from 8am-5pm. Please attend each day for a 3-hour shift at the timing and location of your choosing. 
For these first two shifts, you will receive strike pay. In order to ensure this, Members need to sign in and out with a picket captain each day prior to 5pm. Two Picket Captains will be present at each location and will be wearing neon green safety vests. 
If you have requested accommodation for alternate duties, you will receive an email from admin@ulfa.ca by Monday assigning you to these duties. You will still receive strike pay for the first two days of the strike (Thursday, Friday). Alternative duties and accommodations will be provided for the first full week of the strike.
Some considerations for picketing preparation:

  1. Check and confirm your picket shift schedule: Once the picket schedule is established, you will be notified of the days, times, and locations you will be picketing. Please review your schedule. If you are unable to attend an assigned picket shift, please notify the JAC Picket Committee Chair (Chad Povey, chadpovey@gmail.com). In this event, you must either find another picket shift to attend or complete the alternate picket duty form to ensure that you receive your full strike pay.
  2. Transportation and parking: Members are responsible for their own transportation to and from the picket lines. Members are encouraged to use public transit, carpooling, and/or active transportation (such as walking or cycling) instead of taking individual vehicles to the picket lines.
    1. Parking: We strongly recommend not parking on campus because the employer could void your parking pass. For those picketing at the main campus entrance, limited parking will be available in the back lot of the University Drive Alliance Church (ONLY the northeast corner of the lot), located at the intersection of University Drive and Columbia Boulevard (55 Columbia Blvd. W.). The University Drive Alliance Church wishes to remain neutral on the job action situation and thus have requested that NO signs or messages are set up or visible on any of the church property at any time.

Members picketing at the other two entrances to campus are encouraged to park on McGill Blvd. W. Parking in the downtown area will be the responsibility of individual Members and any parking payment will be at the Member’s own expense.

  1. Bus: Those riding the bus are encouraged to get off at the stop before campus in order to limit crossing of the picket lines. Check out the Lethbridge Transit website for details about planning your trip, schedules, and fares: https://www.lethbridge.ca/living-here/getting-around/Transit/Pages/default.aspx
  2. Carpooling: Arranging transportation to the picket lines is the responsibility of Members. Members are encouraged to coordinate transportation with friends and colleagues.
  1. Dress appropriately for the weather: Check the weather forecast each day and dress accordingly so that you are comfortable during your picket shifts. Dressing in layers is a good idea in case conditions suddenly change.
  2. Wear comfortable, supportive footwear: Ensure that you wear footwear that will keep you comfortable for a three-hour picket shift. Some of the most common injuries on a picket line are foot-injuries, including twisted ankles, so please wear supportive, weather-appropriate footwear.
  3. Bring snacks and insulated mugs (optional): Some snacks and drinks will be provided by ULFA but you are encouraged to bring your own beverage containers and a few small snacks to eat on your shift.
  4. Washroom facilities: Our Job Action Materials Committee planned to erect port-a-potties at the picket line sites, but the University will not allow this. We are currently making other arrangements and will inform picketers about washroom options upon their arrival.

The ULFA JAC team is made up of volunteer ULFA Members like you, and is working hard to provide you with key details as they become available. We recommend that you peruse the ULFA Strike FAQ and Student Strike FAQ for additional information. If you have questions that are not addressed therein, please contact admin@ulfa.ca.

LocationsSite number
North Entrance1
Bus loop Entrance2
South Entrance3
Penny Building4
Calgary Campus5