Job Action Committee - Inactive During Non-Bargaining Year

The authority to manage the collective bargaining process on behalf of its members is delegated to the Executive Committee by ULFA Bylaws, in compliance with any applicable legislation. The authority to accept or reject a negotiated collective agreement or to authorize strike action, however, rests solely with the membership.

The Job Action Committee (JAC) shall be the regulatory committee tasked with fulfilling the logistical duties associated with conducting job action (such as lockout or strike) in compliance with ULFA’s Job Action Policy.

The Job Action Committee shall be struck by the Nominating Committee to be active only in a bargaining year and will conclude at the point of ratification of a new collective agreement.

Members should be knowledgeable (or interested in becoming knowledgeable) about job action and related matters, i.e., labour laws and rights, the Labour Relations Code, etc. Elected members shall serve for the period during which the Committee is active until such time that a new collective agreement is ratified.

Ex officio: ULFA President, past Chair where applicable.
Elected: Chair and a minimum of seven (7) members; The Past Chair of the Committee should, if possible, serve ex officio on the Committee.

The Committee shall comprise the following representation, unless sufficient nominees cannot be found from a constituency or constituencies:

a. Chair or Co-chairs (any Faculty)

b. Faculty of Arts and Science (Sciences)

c. Faculty of Arts and Science (Humanities and Social Sciences)

d. Faculty of Fine Arts 

e. Faculty of Health Sciences

f. Dhillon School of Business

g. Faculty of Education

h. Calgary Campus

i. Library (optional, appointed by Executive)

j. General Member(s) (one or more appointed by Executive)

Committee Members

Fine Arts - Drama

Aaron Taylor

A & S - Biology

Randall Barley

Past Chair

Kevin McGeough

A&S - Archaeology, Geography and Environment
A picture of Abby McMeekin.

Abigail McMeekin

A&S - Modern Languages

Brent Devos

A&S Modern Languages

Athena Elafros

A&S - Sociology
A placeholder image for a profile picture.

David Hobbs

A&S - English

Paul Hayes

A&S - Chemistry

Bryn Hughes

Fine Arts - Music
A placeholder image for a profile picture.

Ryan Harper Brown

Fine Arts - New media
A placeholder image for a profile picture.

Lee Burckes

Fine Arts - Drama

Brad Parker

Fine Arts - Music

Romany Craig


Emily Villaneuva


James Smith

DSB - Accounting

George Gonzalez

DSB - Accounting (Calgary)

Adriana Monteiro-Lima

A&S - Academic Writing

Steven Urquhart

Modern Languages & Linguistics General member-at-large