Benefits Information
Parental Leave
Description to come.
Study Leave Relocation Fund
The Study Leave Relocation Fund is designed to assist financially those members of the faculty who are changing residence for academic reasons during their leave. This fund is administered by the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association, who shall be wholly responsible for the funds.
For more information, check out the following documents:
2024-2025 Study Leave Relocation Fund Application and Info Package
Please note: ULFA has recently amended the application criteria to make the process more equitable. A move is now considered a relocation if it includes a change of domicile during Study Leave for four (4) consecutive weeks or more in the same location. Proof of change in domicile must be supported by documentation and receipts.
Tuition Benefit
Description to come.
ULFA Academic Award
This award is for students who are enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution, and who “are the spouse, common-law partner, child, or step-child of a Statutory Member(s) of the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association (ULFA); or were the dependent of a legal guardian and Statutory Member of the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association (ULFA) at the time of that Member’s death.”
The award amount depends on the number of qualifying students, but is at a minimum equivalent to one 3.0-credit University of Lethbridge course.
Deadline for Application is September 30th.
Complete the ULFA Academic Award by September 30th and submit it to