Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall comprise the Association’s officers other than the Ombuds Officer, the most recent and available Past President ex officio, the chairs of standing committees, and the Executive Director (non-voting). Subject to these bylaws and to any resolution enacted by a general meeting, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to manage and direct the Association’s affairs.

The President shall call meetings of the Executive Committee as required to deal with the affairs of the Association, and at least one week prior to any general meeting of the Association. In the absence of the President, an Executive Committee meeting may be called by the Vice-President/President Nominate or, if that Member is also absent, by the Treasurer.

There shall be a joint meeting of the incoming and outgoing members of Executive Committee in June of each year. Read full bylaws here.

Executive Members

Chris Burton

(Arts & Science - History and Religion)

Saurya Das

Vice President
(Arts & Science - Physics and Astronomy)

Dan O'Donnell

Past President
(Arts & Science - English)

James Smith

Secretary / Treasurer
(Dhillon School of Business - Accounting)

A picture of Kristine Alexander.

Kristine Alexander

Chief Steward
(Arts & Science - History and Religion)

Aaron Taylor

JAC Chair
(Fine Arts - Drama)

A picture of Olu Awosoga.

Olu Awosoga

Bargaining Chair
(Health Sciences)

A picture of Patrick Wilson.

Patrick Wilson

GEDC Chair
(Arts & Science - Modern Languages)

Rob Kossuth -250x334

Robert Kossuth

Grievance Committee Chair
(Arts & Science - Kinesiology)

A picture of Aaron Chubb.

Aaron Chubb

Executive Director
(Ex Officio - non-voting)