Several of you have written with questions regarding the potential strike action beginning today (February 10, 2022) at 11am. We have provided answers below to the best of our abilities with the information that we have at this time. If your concerns are not answered by this email, please contact for further clarification.

What time is my assigned picket shift today and tomorrow?
Picket shifts have not been assigned for today and tomorrow. Official picket schedules will be formed over the weekend and will be in effect on Monday February 14, 2022 in the event that we are still on strike.

For February 10 and 11, please just show up to a picket location when it is most convenient for you (see maps below). Ensure that you sign in and out with a Picket Captain (wearing a bright green vest) so that your shift is recorded. We are asking that members try to be present for one shift (3 hours) on each day for this week. If you are unable to attend for the full duration of the shift, notify your picket captain. 

The Job Action Committee recognizes the challenges that many Members are facing to attend shifts for today (Feb 10) and Friday (Feb 11). Picket Captains are able to work with people who cannot complete full shifts this week and we are not anticipating reducing strike pay for those who let their captains know about their reduced hours.

Friday morning will involve visiting picketers from Alberta and BC as well as other unions in Lethbridge. We strongly encourage you to free time up for picket duty every Friday morning.

What if we cannot be present for the entirety of a single shift? My schedule for this week was already set and I can’t change it on short notice.
Accommodations for this can be made by filling out the JAC accommodations form here:

What COVID safety precautions will be in place? 
ULFA encourages everyone attending the picket lines to wear a mask and practice physical distancing. Stay home if you are feeling unwell. 

What happens if we get sick? Are we still eligible for strike pay if we’re sick and can’t picket? Are we expected to perform alternate duties if we’re sick?
You should not attend a picket shift if you are sick. Please fill out the accommodations form listed above to be assigned alternate picket duties. 

Is childcare a reasonable rationale for accommodation? 
Yes. Childcare is a reasonable rationale for accommodation. Please fill out the accommodations form listed above to be assigned alternate picket duties. 

When will accommodation requests be processed? 
Since they continue to come in, we will begin processing the accommodation forms today (February 10, 2022).

Many accommodations requests will require a case-by-case response.  We understand that this is a difficult time and no reasonable request will be rejected.

Picket locations

LocationsSite number
North Entrance1
Bus loop Entrance2
South Entrance3
Penny Building4
Calgary Campus5