I am writing today on behalf of the Lethbridge College Faculty Association (LCFA) and its members to express our profound support and solidarity with the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association (ULFA) as your organization engages in a historic first strike of academic staff at public post-secondary institutions in our province. As instructors ourselves we know full well the impact that advanced education has on the lives of our students, the quality of life in our community, and the economic opportunities that are available to Southern Albertans. Our members and yours have much in common, and we hope to see a speedy resolution to the work stoppage so that we can continue to work together to benefit our community and province.
As we work within our own institutions to preserve values of equitable access, independent scholarship, and strong mentorship, LCFA would also like to express our willingness to work with your organization and other relevant stakeholders in our post-secondary sector to push back against the pernicious and short-sighted policies of the provincial government which have, in many ways, forced your institution into its current position.
As a diverse organization that counts tradespeople, nurses, engineers, scientists, law enforcement officials and social workers as members, we understand how vital education is to the working people of our province. LCFA believes strongly that in order to strengthen our system in the long-term Alberta’s post-secondary institutions require long-term investment, stability, and a return to strong public interest mandates free from undue interference. Post-secondary education is a vital ingredient for our province’s economic and social future, and without the work being done at our institutions Southern Albertans will be left behind by the economy of the 21st Century.
In closing, we wish to again express our solidarity with your members, and if there is anything that LCFA can contribute while your organization undertakes this historic action, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Dave English, President
Lethbridge College Faculty Association
[Original document is here.]