March 22, 2024
University Hall Atrium

Bargaining Info Rally

Please consider taking 30 minutes from your busy schedules to join us for the ULFA Bargaining Information Rally this coming Friday, March 22nd @ noon in the U Hall Atrium.

This is a short and fun event that will include both live music and free food, while also providing an opportunity to learn more about bargaining. We are hoping for a good turnout to this event, not only to spread the word about the upcoming negotiations, but also to provide a social outlet for rekindling camaraderie and solidarity among our membership.

Here’s the rough schedule for the rally:

  • 12:00pm – Live musical performance by Barely Adequate
  • 12:05 – Brief welcome by ULFA President Chris Burton
  • 12:08 – Brief slideshow by Bargaining Resource Committee and Negotiation team reps announcing (but not explaining in depth) our mandates, signposting where to find them online, and directing folks to Q&A tables for more info
  • 12:15 – Closing number by Barely Adequate
  • 12:20 to 1:00pm – Q&A tables (with BRC / Negotiation Team reps) + mixer with FREE FOOD

Please join us and invite two friends to come along too. Students are encouraged to attend – please spread the word!