Offers of Settlement

Before withdrawing from mediation on Monday, January 17, the ULFA Negotiating Team had informed the Board Team of its view that the sides were too far apart on key issues, and that an impasse was imminent. In an effort to clarify positions and attempt to reach an agreement, each team presented an “offer of settlement” during the day’s negotiations.

The Board has already published their “offer of settlement”, but for the convenience of our Members, ULFA is also making the Board’s offer available on our website here.

ULFA’s “offer of settlement” was given in response to the Board’s offer. In the interests of allowing the Board time to consider this offer before mediation came to an end, ULFA did not provide a written document, but made a few explicit changes to previous documents that had been exchanged. The ULFA Team has taken some time to produce a written version so that our Members (and anyone else interested) can see for themselves the positions that each side had reached at the end of mediation. The ULFA document is available here. In the document comments, we have included the corresponding language from the Board proposal wherever there are differences.

For simplicity, links to the two proposal documents are provided again below.

The University of Lethbridge Board offer is here.

The ULFA offer is here.