Schedule A Salaries and Salary Increments
1. Address the erosion of salary and stipends in relation to the cost of living over previous years, and address the difference in salary and stipends relative to comparator institutions.
2. Revise salary structure and increments (CPI/Merit/PAR system) to be more transparent, streamlined, and equitable.
Schedule B Benefits
3. Increase Board contributions to the B.04 benefit plan.
4. Increase extended health, vision, and dental care benefits.
5. Extend professional supplement to Sessional Lecturers and reinstate professional supplement for term appointments.
6. Improve EDI aspects of the Benefit Plan.
7. Improve equity and transparency in workload assignment of duties.
8. Create a formal paid professional development leave for Instructors to focus on discipline or SOTL-related research, study, retraining, or upgrading.
9. Formalize recognition of non-classroom teaching duties such as graduate supervision, practicum supervision, independent studies, applied studies, lab coordination, etc.
10. Include service as an explicit criterion for promotion in the professoriate ranks.
Rank-Specific Issues
11. Incorporate conversion language for Members on term contracts.
12. Harmonize language pertaining to term and Sessional Lecturer appointments to shorten the period of precarity of Members who hold both types of appointments.
13. Implement the recommendations of the Teaching Professoriate working group into the collective agreement to create a Teaching Professor rank for promotion of Instructor IIIs demonstrating leadership in teaching and teaching scholarship.
CA Housekeeping and Clarity
14. Formally incorporate MOU language into the Collective Agreement and otherwise update the Collective Agreement.
15. Review existing job categories and revise where appropriate.
16. Revise Schedule B.04 to reflect the benefit plan accurately.
17. Implement Schedule I to improve language around harassment and the right to a safe workplace.