Dear Members,
I am writing to you as the ULFA Nominating Committee Chair to remind you of upcoming vacancies on ULFA Committees for the 2023-2024 academic year. *Please note that the Job Action Committee will be a Standing Committee for 2023-2024 as bargaining will commence just prior to the expiry of the collective agreement on July 1st, 2024.
These upcoming vacancies will be voted upon following the 2023 Annual General Meeting on April 11th, 2023, taking place from 11:00am-2:00pm in room SA8002.
Positions are available for the roles listed below. Please note that recent Bylaw changes mean that the role of President (in addition to Vice-President) is up for election every year, but incumbents are encouraged to run again.
Members are invited to either self-nominate or be nominated by another Member.
Nominations of members of marginalized groups are encouraged, including but not limited to Indigenous peoples; women; racialized academic staff; academic staff with disabilities; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and two-spirited academic staff plus (+).
The nomination deadline is Tuesday, March 21, 2023 in order to appear on the initial Nominating Committee report, i.e the preliminary ballot, for the AGM Agenda. Please note that nominations will also be accepted between this deadline up to and including from the floor of the AGM.
Upcoming Vacancies
For more information about these positions please follow the links provided below in each header. Please also see the ULFA Bylaws Terms of Reference.
Time commitments can widely vary between positions and committees, with course releases available for the most time consuming roles such as the Executive Committee positions. At minimum, committee members, who are not Chairs, are expected to attend bi-weekly meetings. Article 5 of the Collective Agreement has it that ULFA service counts as service in performance evaluations.
Please direct any questions to Aaron Chubb, ULFA Executive Director at; or Kristine Alexander, Chair of the Nominations Committee at
Executive Committee
One (1) President (2023-2024)
One (1) VP/President Nominee (2023-2024)
One (1) Secretary/Treasurer (2023-2024)
One (1) Chair, Bargaining Resource Committee (2023-2025)
One (1) Chair, Job Action Committee (2023-2025)
One (1) Chair, Grievance Committee (2023-2025)
One (1) Chief Shop Steward (2023-2025)
Bargaining Resource Committee
One (1) Chair, Bargaining Resource Committee (2023-2025) (see Executive, above)
One (1) Chief Shop Steward (2023-2025) (see Executive, above)
One (1) Education (professional faculties) Representative (2023-2025)
One (1) Professional Librarian (2023-2025)
Grievance Committee
One (1) Chair, Grievance Committee (2023-2025) (See Executive, above)
One (1) Chief Shop Steward (2023-2025) (see Executive, above)
Two (2) Professional Faculties Representatives (2023-2025)
One (1) Instructor/Academic Assistant Representative (2023-2025)
Gender, Equity and Diversity Committee
Four (4) Members (2023-2025)
Shop Stewards Committee
One (1) Chief Shop Steward (2023-2025) (see Executive, above)
One (1) A&S (Science) Representative (2023-2025)
One (1) A&S (Humanities and Social Sciences) Representative (2023-2025)
One (1) Health Sciences Representative (2023-2025)
One (1) Education Representative (2023-2025)
Two (2) Fine Arts Representatives (2023-2025)
One (1) Calgary Campus Representative (2023-2025)
One (1) Library Representative (2023-2025)
One (1) General Member (2023-2025)
One (1) Equity Steward (2023-2025)
Job Action Committee
One (1) Job Action Chair (2023-2025) (See Executive, above)
One (1) A&S (Sciences)
One (1) A&S (Humanities and Social Sciences) Representative
One (1) Fine Arts Representative
One (1) Health Sciences Representative
One (1) Dhillon School of Business Representative
One (1) Library Representative
One (1) Education Representative
One (1) Calgary Campus Representative
One (1) General Member-at-large
Study Leave Relocation Committee
Two (2) Representatives (2023-2025)
STP Appeals Committee
One (1) Non-voting Member (see 25.11 of the Academic Staff Collective Agreement) (2023-2025)
One (1) Alternate (2023-2025)
Health and Safety Advisory Committee
One (1) Member (2023-2025)
One (1) Alternate (2023-2025)
Nominating Committee
One (1) Equity Steward (2023-2025) (see Shop Stewards Committee, above)
If you are interested in running for any of the available positions, you are highly encouraged to complete the form to stand for the position by March 21, 2023.
To validate any nomination, nominators (self or sponsored) must fill out and sign an online nomination form.
This nomination form includes a 200-400 word statement of interest, experience and qualification that will be included on the ballot.
For information regarding release time for ULFA Executive Committee Members, view the ULFA COURSE RELEASE POLICY.
Nominations are due by March 21, 2023.
Save the Date! The ULFA AGM is set for Tuesday, April 11th from 11am-2pm.
Elections will follow the AGM via e-ballot over one week.
Please note the recent ULFA Bylaw changes regarding nominations, including the requirement that nominees provide their signature and a 200-400 word statement of interest:
8.1.3.b To validate any nomination, nominators (self or sponsoring) will fill out and sign the online nomination form, where the nominee’s signature will serve as confirmation of willingness to stand for the position; and
8.1.3.c Nominees must also provide on this form a 200-400 word statement of interest, experience and qualification that will be included on the ballot.
Kristine Alexander
Chair, ULFA Nominating Committee